应曾一平研究员和张峰副研究员的邀请,Cree公司Dr.Lin Cheng在5月23日来我所半导体材料科学重点实验室进行学术交流,并在黄昆半导体科学技术论坛上作了题为Silicon Carbide Power Devices报告。报告由曾一平研究员主持,我所相关领域的职工和研究生参加了此次学术报告会。报告完毕与会者踊跃提问,学术交流气氛热烈。通过此次报告,大家了解了目前SiC功率器件的发展进程,以及未来的发展方向。Lin Cheng博士本次来访对进一步加强我所在SiC功率器件的对外交流和合作研究起到了积极促进作用。
Abstract:Development in power semiconductors is vital for achieving the design goals set by industry. The steadily increasing demand for high-power, high-voltage, and high-temperature operation of the power conversion and modulation systems brings traditional silicon semiconductor ever closer to its fundamental material limits. With the rapid improvement of SiC material quality, SiC power electronics is attracting tremendous interest due to its superior material properties such as 3x wider bandgap, 3x higher thermal conductivity, and 10x higher critical breakdown field strength than Si. These advancements have enabled 1200 V and 1700 V, 20 A and 50 A SiC Schottky diodes and MOSFETs to meet the market demands in moderate to high power sectors for a variety of solar inverter, Electric Vehicle (EV), Fast Chargers for EV, and motor drive applications. SiC power modules rated at 1200 V, 100 A have been introduced, and 1200 V, 880 A modules have successfully passed simulated testing of 11,783 miles on a road course. The improved SiC material has also led to advancements in high voltage bipolar devices such as IGBTs and GTOs in the 10 kV to 20 kV class for advanced grid and pulse power applications. Work that remains is to improve the lifetime & its uniformity at high-current injection levels and to reduce basal plane dislocations in thick epilayers. However, the progress made to date in achieving ultra-high voltage in 1 ~ 2 cm2 single switches is a testament to the continuously improving SiC material quality at Cree.