序号 | 论文名称 | 期刊全称 | 所内第一作者 | 发表时间 |
1 | Low operating-voltage and high power-efficiency OLED employing MoO3-doped CuPc as hole injection layer | Displays 33(1): 17-20 | 李林森 | 2012 |
2 | Si delta doping inside InAs/GaAs quantum dots with different doping densities | J. Vac. Sci. Technol. B 30, 041808 | 王科范,杨涛 | 2012 |
3 | Improved Efficiency of Organic/Inorganic Hybrid Near-Infrared Light Upconverter by Device Optimization | Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces,4(9):4976-4980 | 楚新波 | 2012 |
4 | Investigation of the temperature sensitivity of the long-wavelength InP-based laser | Acta Physica Sinica 61 (21), 216802 | 徐 波 | 2012 |
5 | Study on properties of the H1 photonic crystal slab cavity using the effective index perturbation method | Acta Physica Sinica 61 (5), 054202 | 周文飞 | 2012 |
6 | High-performance uncooled distributed-feedback quantum cascade laser without lateral regrowth | APPL PHYS LETT,100,112105(2012) | 张锦川 | 2012 |
7 | A normal incident quantum cascade detector enhanced by surface plasmons | APPL PHYS LETT,100,181104(2012) | 翟慎强 | 2012 |
8 | Impact of the misfit dislocations on two-dimensional electron gas mobility in semi-polar AlGaN/GaN heterostructures | Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 082101 (2012) | 刘贵鹏 | 2012 |
9 | Two-dimensional electron gas mobility limited by barrier and quantum well thickness fluctuations scattering in AlxGa1-xN/GaN multi-quantum wells | Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 162102 (2012) | 刘贵鹏 | 2012 |
10 | Ultraviolet electroluminescence from ordered ZnO nanorod array/p-GaN light emitting diodes | Appl. Phys. Lett. 100, 171109 (2012) | 董敬敬 | 2012 |
11 | Ordered ZnO nanorods-based heterojunction light-emitting diodes with graphene current spreading layer | Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 121104 (2012) | 张曙光 | 2012 |
12 | Plasmon enhanced polymer solar cells by spin-coating Au nanoparticles on indium-tin-oxide substrate | Appl. Phys. Lett. 101, 133903 (2012) | 高红丽 | 2012 |
13 | Detailed Analysis of a 40 GHz All-Optical Synchronization based on an Amplified-Feedback DFB Laser | Applied Optics,Vol. 51, No. 15 / 20 May, P2894-2901 | 邱吉芳 | 2012 |
14 | Indium Compositional Homogeneity in In0.17Al0.83N Epilayers Grown by Metal Organic Chemical Vapor Deposition | Applied Physics Express, 5, 101002 (2012) | 李 维 | 2012 |
15 | Observation of the photoinduced anomalous Hall effect spectra in insulating InGaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells at room temperature | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 100, 142109 (2012) | 俞金玲 | 2012 |
16 | Spectra of Rashba- and Dresselhaus-type circular photogalvanic effect at inter-band excitation in GaAs/AlGaAs quantum wells and their behaviors under external strain | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 100, 152110 (2012) | 俞金玲 | 2012 |
17 | A 2nm low temperature GaN spacer to improve the transport properties of two-dimensional electron gas in AlGaN/InAlN/AlN/GaN heterostructures | Applied Physics Letters 101,182102(2012) | 丁杰钦 | 2012 |
18 | Theoretical study of the effects of InAs/GaAs quantum dot layer’s positionin i-region on current-voltage characteristic in intermediate band solar cells | Applied Physics Letters, 101, 081118 | 谷永先,杨涛 | 2012 |
19 | Modulation of external electric field on surface states of topological insulator Bi2Se3 thin films | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS. 101,223109(2012) | 陈涌海 | 2012 |
20 | Detection of spin-orbit coupling of surface electron layer via reciprocal spin Hall effect in InN films | APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS.101, 132404(2012) | 陈涌海 | 2012 |
21 | Molecular beam epitaxial growth and characterization of GaSb layers on GaAs (001) substrates | Applied Surface Science 258(17): 6571-6575 | 李彦波 | 2012 |
22 | Tailoring the in-plane epitaxial relationship of InN films on (1 1 1)SrTiO3 substrates by substrate pretreatmentliquid crystal technique | APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 258,2927-2930(2012) | 贾彩虹 | 2012 |
23 | Broadband Light-Emitting from Multilayer-stacked InAs/GaAs Quantum Dots | Chin. Phys. B 21 (11), 117305 | 刘 宁 | 2012 |
24 | InAs/GaAs submonolayer quantum dot superluminescent diode emitting around 970 nm | Chin. Phys. B 21 (2), 028102 | 李新坤 | 2012 |
25 | Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition Growth of InAs/GaSb Superlattices on GaAs Substrates and Doping Studies of P-GaSb and N-InAs | Chin. Phys. Lett. 29 (2012) 076801 | 李立功 | 2012 |
26 | Ultrashort Pulse Generation at Quasi-40-GHz by Using a Two-Section Passively Mode-Locked InGaAsP-InP Tensile Strained Quantum-Well Lasers. | Chin. Phys.Lett.,Vol.29,No.2(2012) 024201 | 孔端花 | 2012 |
27 | The Growth of Semi-Polar ZnO (10(1)over-bar1) on Si (111) Substrates Using a Methanol Oxidant by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition | Chin.Phys,Lett 29(018101)2012 | 桑玲 | 2012 |
28 | growth and characterization of an a-plane InxGa1-xN on a r-plane sapphire | Chin.phys,lett 29(117103)2012 | 赵桂娟 | 2012 |
29 | A Review on Fiber Lasers | China Communications Volume: 9 Issue: 8 Pages: 1-15 | 陆丹 | 2012 |
30 | 1.82-μm Distributed Feedback Lasers with InGaAs/InGaAsP Multiple-Quantum Wells for H2O sensing system | Chinese Optics Letters,Vol.11(3) | 于红艳 | 2012 |
31 | High-Power High-Temperature Continuous-Wave Operation of Quantum Cascade Laser at ~4.6 μm without Lateral Regrowth | CHINESE PHYS LETT,29,074215(2012) | 梁 平 | 2012 |
32 | High Power Surface Metal Grating Distributed Feedback Quantum Cascade Lasers Emitting at ~ 8.3 μm | CHINESE PHYS LETT,29,094205(2012) | 姚丹阳 | 2012 |
33 | CHINESE PHYSICS B 21(107305)2012 | 谷承艳 | 2012 | |
34 | Plasmons in a free-standing nanorod with a two-dimensional parabolic quantum well caused by surface states | CHINESE PHYSICS B 21(057302)2012 | 宋亚峰 | 2012 |
35 | Characterization of 4H-SiC substrates and epilayers by Fourier transform infrared reflectance spectroscopy | Chinese Physics B 21(4):047802 | 董林 | 2012 |
36 | Dual-wavelength Distributed Bragg Reflector Semiconductor Laser based on Composite Resonant Cavity | Chinese Physics B,Vol. 21, No. 9 (2012) 094208 | 陈琤 | 2012 |
37 | Morphological Evolution of a-GaN on r-Sapphire by Metalorganic Chemical Vapor Deposition | CHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS 29(026801)2012 | 桑玲 | 2012 |
38 | Formation of AsxSb1?x mixing interfaces in InAs/GaSb superlattices grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition | EPL(Euro Phys Lett), 97 (2012) 36001 | 李立功 | 2012 |
39 | The influence of pressure on the growth of InAlN/AlN/GaN heterostructure | Eur.Phys.J.Appl.Phys.57:30103,2012 | 毕杨 | 2012 |
40 | Raman study on dislocation in high Al content AlxGa1-xN | EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL-APPLIED PHYSICS,Volume: 58 Issue: 1 Article Number: 10102 | 潘旭 | 2012 |
41 | Bonding InGaAsP/ITO/Si Hybrid Laser With ITO as Cathode and Light-Coupling Material | IEEE Phothnics Technology Letters,Vol.24,No.8, | 朱洪亮 | 2012 |
42 | Room Temperature Continuous-Wave Operation of Top Metal Grating Distributed Feedback Quantum Cascade Laser at λ ~ 7.6 μm | IEEE PHOTONIC TECH L,24,1100-1103(2012) | 张锦川 | 2012 |
43 | High-Power Surface-Emitting | IEEE PHOTONIC TECH L,24,972-974(2012) | 陈剑燕 | 2012 |
44 | Improved Continuous-Wave Performance of Two-Section Quantum-Dot Superluminescent Diodes by Using Epi-Side-Down Mounting Process | IEEE Photonics Technology Letters 24 (14), 1188-1190 | 李新坤 | 2012 |
45 | DC Characterizations of MQW Tunnel Diode and Laser Diode Hybrid Integration Device | IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,Vol. 24, No. 16, Aug. 15, 2012 | 牛斌 | 2012 |
46 | Facet temperature distribution of a room temperature continuous-wave operating | J PHYS D APPL PHYS,45,325103(2012) | 胡永正 | 2012 |
47 | Formation Mechanism and Characterization of Black Silicon Surface by a Single-Step Wet-Chemical Process | J. Nanosci. Nanotechnol., 12, (2012) 3954-3958 | 李立功 | 2012 |
48 | Self-consistent simulation of carrier confinement characteristics in (AlyGa1?yN/AlN)SLs/GaN/(InxGa1?xN/GaN)MQW/GaN heterostructures | Journal of Alloys and Compounds 523,88-93,2012 | 丁杰钦 | 2012 |
49 | Detecting and tuning anisotropic mode splitting induced by birefringence in an InGaAs/GaAs/AlGaAs vertical-cavity surface-emitting laser | JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 111, 043109 (2012) | 俞金玲 | 2012 |
50 | Effects of scattering on two-dimensional electron gases in InGaAs/InAlAs quantum wells | Journal of Applied Physics 112(2):023713 | 崔利杰 | 2012 |
51 | Calculation of discrepancies in measured valence band offsets of heterojunctions with different crystal polarities | Journal of Applied Physics, 112(113712)2012 | 李辉杰 | 2012 |
52 | Optimization of electroluminescence from n-ZnO/AlN/p-GaN light-emitting diodes by tailoring Ag localized surface plasmon | Journal of Applied Physics, 112, 013112-6 (2012) | 张曙光 | 2012 |
53 | Improved performance of quantum cascade laser with porous waveguide structure | Journal of Applied Physics,112,013111(2012) | 赵立华 | 2012 |
54 | Index-coupled surface porous grating distributed feedback quantum cascade laser | Journal of Applied Physics,112,103102(2012) | 张锦川 | 2012 |
55 | Effect of growth temperature on surface morphology and structure of InAs/GaSb superlattices grown by metalorganic chemical vapor deposition | Journal of Crystal Growth 359 (2012) 55–59 | 李立功 | 2012 |
56 | Growth of a-plane GaN on r-plane sapphire by self-patterned nanoscale epitaxial lateral overgrowth | Journal of Crystal Growth 348(10)2012 | 李志伟 | 2012 |
57 | Large scale purification of metallurgical silicon for solar cell by using electron beam melting | Journal of Crystal Growth 351:19 | 刘彤 | 2012 |
58 | Purification of metallurgical silicon through directional solidification in a large cold crucible | Journal of Crystal Growth 355:145 | 刘彤 | 2012 |
59 | The Effect of Double-Pass Gain on The Performances of A Quantum-Dot Superluminescent Diode Integrated with A Semiconductor Optical Amplifier | Journal of Lightwave Technology 30 (16), 2684-2688 | 安 琪 | 2012 |
60 | Infrared reflectance study of 3C-SiC epilayers grown on silicon substrates | Journal of Physics D-Applied Physics 45(24):245102 | 董林 | 2012 |
61 | Development of Vertical 3x2 '' LPCVD System for Fast Epitaxial Growth on 4H-SiC | Materials Science Forum 717-720: 105-108 | 赵万顺 | 2012 |
62 | Effect of rapid thermal annealing on the luminescence of self-assembled In As quantum dots embedded in GaAs-based photonic crystal nanocavities | Microelectronic Engineering 93, 1-4 | 徐 波 | 2012 |
63 | Metalorganic chemical vapor deposition growth of InAs/GaSb type II superlattices with controllable AsxSb1-x interfaces | Nanoscale Research Lett., 7 (2012) 160 | 李立功 | 2012 |
64 | Study of modes for two-dimensional L3 photonic crystal nanocavities | Optics Communications 285 (6), 1510-1513 | 王占国 | 2012 |
65 | All-optical clock recovery using pareller ridge-width varied DFB lasers integrated with Y-branch waveguide coupler. | Optics Communications,285(2012)311-314 | 孔端花 | 2012 |
66 | Experimental investigation of Wavelength-Selective Optical Feedback for A High-power Quantum Dot Superluminescent Device with Two-Section Structure | Optics Express 20(11), 11936-11943 | 李新坤 | 2012 |
67 | A modified SAG technique for the fabrication of DWDM DFB laser arrays with highly uniform wavelength spacings | Optics Express,Vol.20, Issue 28, pp.29620-29625 (2012) | 张灿 | 2012 |
68 | High-brightness 1.3 μm InAs/GaAs quantum dot tapered laser with high temperature stability | Optics Letters, 37, 4071 | 曹玉莲 | 2012 |
69 | Reduced linewidth enhancement factor due to excited state transition of quantum dot lasers | Optics Letters, 37. 1298 | 徐鹏飞,杨涛 | 2012 |
70 | Multimode interference coupler based photonic analog-to-digital conversion scheme | Optics letters,Vol. 37, No. 17, P3699-3711 | 赵玲娟 | 2012 |
71 | Third-order photonic-crystal distributed-feedback | PHOTONIC NANOSTRUCT,10,435-439(2012) | 张锦川 | 2012 |
72 | Persistent photoconductivity in ZnO nanostructures induced by surface oxygen vacancy | Phys. Status Solidi-Rapid Res. Lett. 6, 117-119 (2012) | 尹志岗 | 2012 |
73 | Biaxial stress-induced giant bandgap shift in BiFeO3 epitaxial films | Phys. Status Solidi-Rapid Res. Lett. 6, 37-39 (2012) | 付振 | 2012 |
74 | Numerical optimization of carrier confinement characteristics in (AlxGa1_xN/AlN)SLs/GaNheterostructures | Physica B 407 ,3920-3924,2012 | 丁杰钦 | 2012 |
75 | Electricity generation from thermal irradiation governed by GaSb active layer | Renewable Energy 48, 231-237 (2012) | 汪宇 | 2012 |
76 | Optical loss in bent-waveguide superluminescent diodes | Semicond. Sci. Technol. 27 (5), 055003 | 安 琪 | 2012 |
77 | Analysis of solar cells fabricated from UMG-Si purified by a novel metallurgical method | Semicond. Sci. Technol. 28:015024 | 陈腾 | 2012 |
78 | Energy band alignment of MgO (111)/ZnO (0002) heterojunction determined by X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy | Solid State Communications152(938)2012 | 时凯 | 2012 |
79 | Mid-Infrared Distributed-Feedback Quantum Cascade Laser-Based Photoacoustic Detection of Trace Methane Gas | Spectroscopy and Spectral Analysis,32,1251-1254(2012) | 谭 松 | 2012 |
80 | Effects of a ZnTe buffer layer on structural quality and morphology of CdTe epilayer grown on (001)GaAs by molecular beam epitaxy | Vacuum 86(8): 1062-1066 | 赵杰 | 2012 |
81 | Effects of ambient conditions on the quality of graphene synthesized by chemical vapor deposition | Vacuum 86, 1867-1870 (2012) | 施辉东 | 2012 |